
Outta Our Shells: The Card Game To Get To Know Each Other

Created by Greg Johnson

The new super casual card game from Greg Johnson that helps people relax, laugh, and get to know each other better.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Concept Art + End of 2nd Week Update
about 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 07:32:03 PM

Hey all! 

As we close in on the 2nd week we just wanted to shoot a quick update regarding the Stretch Goals. As of writing this, we are VERY close to our first Stretch Goal at 25K which will add "Do It Yourself" cards to the decks!

Sometimes while playing we will notice that players will have a suggestion for a question they want added to the game. Or conversations will often drift into new topics which create many "that would be a great thing to add!" moments. With the 'DIY' cards, you can easily write down the Questions, Cat or Rat choices or funny Fortunes you want added to the game and have them ready for the next time you play! 

These cards will come with a blank front to write whatever you like, but of course include the official artwork on the back. Speaking of our artwork, we wanted to share some concept art our amazing artist Steph Laberis created for Outta Our Shells!

Concepts for the back of cards
Greg put a lot of thought into the names and finally decided on "Turtle" for one of the main characters! Did we choose the right design?
The snail was originally going to be simply named "Snail" until fans suggested the name "SlowJam!" He does kinda look like ToeJam, right?
It wouldn't be called Outta Our Shells if the characters didn't get outta their shells!
The turtle in the underwear was just too funny not to pass up!
We were also considering going for the rounder style of the face. We really dig the funky colors used in #3 too!
We eventually settled on a mix between #2 and #6 for "Rat". Too many cute designs to choose from!!
A few revisions for Rat we were considering. What do you think of #5? Pretty cool!
So many adorable cats!!! Which ones do you like?
A few different color options for "Cat". We really liked those ice blue eyes!

Please remember we extended the campaign by one week, so we have a little over 2 weeks remaining. On our end we will be finalizing the rewards so we can hit the ground running! Despite us having a Turtle and Snail as mascots we will be as speedy as possible getting your rewards out to you. Thanks for everything and we hope you're staying safe and healthy.

Week 2 Update!
about 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 10:42:05 PM


Hey everyone! Hope you’ve been staying safe and comfortable with your families. We understand that everyone is facing unfortunate circumstances so be sure you’re taking care of yourself first and foremost. 

On our end, we will be extending the campaign by one week in hopes that backers facing uncertainty about the future will have more clarity by then.

We hope you enjoyed our little Ask Me Anything interview on Reddit last week. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can catch up here:

Greg had a lot of fun answering these great questions and the silly ones as well. This really was a cool way of getting some people out of their shells so we thought it would be fun to ask you all some questions weekly and provide you with some of the fortunes from the game.

Your fortune this week is:


You will soon discover you have a special psychic ability. When you point at someone and whisper the word “POW!” they will experience uncontrollable laughter and delight.

And the Question of the Week is:


Have you ever seen a UFO before? Do you know anyone personally, who has?

Don’t forget to grab our new Outta Our Shells wallpapers here for your desktop or mobile phone!

That’s all for now, onward we go! Thanks again for all y’all support!!


One week in! A message from Greg + WALLPAPERS!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 12:57:51 PM

Hey all!

First off I’d like to say that I hope everyone is staying healthy and staying home as much as possible, and doing a lot of hand washing. I hope we can all do our best to safeguard each other, and take good care of ourselves.

OK the campaign…. So... One week in and we are already halfway to our first stretch goal! That’s not too shabby! Thanks so much for all the support and kind words we’ve been seeing on social media and in our comments.

We’ve been focused on getting the word out as much as possible. Unfortunately, in an odd twist of fate, we launched a campaign for a game that facilitates getting connected, breaking the ice, and meeting new people, right at a time when most people are trying hard to stay away from all social situations. Of course this will all eventually pass, and even for now, people will be needing things to do at home with family, but this has made our campaign extra challenging. We would truly appreciate any help you can give us in getting the word out by sharing the campaign, and feel free to reach out to us with any ideas you have on what else we might do.

Also it may be possible that we will face some delays in our fulfillment. We were pretty conservative in our time estimates and think we will still be able to deliver on or even before our estimated dates, and we will of course always do our best, but we hope you will be understanding, as some things are out of our control.

All that being said, I’ll be doing an Ask Me Anything on reddit today (3/16/20) at 5:30 PM EST to answer any questions, spread the word, and hopefully get some people outta their shells. I hope you’ll stop on by!

Come stop by TODAY (3/16/20) @ 5:30 EST!

To give you a taste, here’s an interview I had a lot of fun doing recently for

We also wanted to share these amazing wallpapers with you. I really love those and I hope you will too!

Downloads and mobile versions here!

 Thanks again for all your support and I hope to hear from you at the reddit AMA later today!


FUNDED!!! (In less than 12 hours, WOW!!)
about 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 10:33:48 PM


Yaaay! We did it. Funded in just under 12 hours. Thank you all so much for your support and believing in the project. We can't wait for you all to try it out!

Don't forget we have a lot of cool stuff planned in the Stretch Goals so we're gonna keep working hard to keep the momentum going and make Outta Our Shells the best it can possibly be!

We have a lot of really cool updates planned for the future where we will be sharing some concept art, stories, questions from the game and possibly some giveaways for cool stuff from our previous projects like ToeJam & Earl.

So make sure you keep your notifications on to get these updates! You won't wanna miss out.

Thanks again friends!


Greg & The Animal Pals